The Objectives of the GGDMA

The GGDMA’s objectives are clearly laid out in its Rule Book. In general the GGDMA works according to objectives set out. It has been very strong and successful in:

  • Protecting and promoting the rights of the mining community as a whole;

  • Negotiating with relevant authorities on behalf of the industry;

  • Obtaining adequate payment for gold and diamond producers;

  • Providing representation for any financial members in need;

  • Advocating for the industry whenever legislative and regulatory processes are triggered by Government;

  • Entering into negotiations with key government agencies on various issues affecting the industry; and

  • Communicating with members regularly through its members meetings and television programme, Miners World, though these avenues have a limited reach.

    Through its management of the Puruni syndicate, the organisation has also successfully engaged in monitoring, supervising, and coordinating the production of gold.