The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA) and Conservation International Foundation Guyana Inc. (CI-Guyana) with funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) is executing a project which aims to encourage adoption of best mining practices for improved lively hood and reduce environmental impacts.
GGDMA is committed to environmentally sound mining practices that minimize adverse social impacts, improving efficiency and productivity, reducing forest loss while maintaining and safeguarding the biological diversity and ecosystem services of the forest.
Through collaboration with the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC) Mineral Processing Unit (MPU), The Women Miners Organization (GWMO) and the National Toshaos Council (NTC), ), the project is seeking to assist miners to improve their capacity to operate more efficiently by adopting appropriate/best mining practices for increased recovery, productivity, occupational health and safety and environmental management.
The project contains the following four main components; however, emphasis is placed on the latter three phases of mining and seeks to develop and promote best practices within each.
- Institutional strengthening of GGDMA to better meet and serve the needs of the small and medium scale miners.
- Mineral exploration- Investigating current prospecting/exploration techniques and developing best practices.
- Mineral processing-investigating and determining best processing methods for improved mineral recovery.
- Remediation of Mined Lands- investigating and developing alternative livelihood land use remediation/restoration strategy.
In this regard, GGDMA has been conducting demonstrations, education, training, and capacity building exercise on best exploration methodologies within key mining areas across Guyana. Thus far, education, training and demonstration sessions were conducted in the following areas: Campbeltown Mahdia, Puruni, Mathews Ridge and Arakaka in the North West District of Guyana.
More training and demonstration activity are planned for 2019. These capacity building activities are open to the general public and ALL are welcome.
Dates and venue of future demonstration activities will be published here! Contact GGDMA secretariat for more information.
The pictures below were taken on previous demonstrations. The pictures shows the GGMDA TSU drill team demonstrating to miners the use of a Hand or Soil Auger and the Flush or Return Drill to quickly and effectively prospect across an established transect for gold.
GGDMA team demosntrating the use of a Soil/ Hand Auger to sample across an established transect. Soil cores from each sample hole is placed in a battle/pan and is panned for results. The soil auger is simple to operate, cost effective and efficient in a variety of sand, clay and loamy soil types. With attaching rods, it can reach a maximum depth of 15 ft depending on soil type.
GGDMA team demonstrating the use of the Flush Drill. This piece of prospecting equipment operates with a 2” water pump which forces water down sections of metal pipes which is driven down annually by pipe wrenches. The metal pipes is placed through a small slice laced with gold mats where the returning material flows over. The Flush drill is simple to operate, cost effective and efficient in a variety of sand, clay and loamy soil types. With attaching rods, it can reach a maximum depth of 60ft depending on soil type.
A Participant (Female Miner) using the gold pan or “battel” to wash/pan the concentrate from the Flush Drill for results.
“Results from the Flush Drill” Battel with black sand and gold after the concentrate being panned from the Flush Drill.
The GGDMA team Demonstration the Flush Drill to Miners in Mathews Ridge in the North West District of Guyana.
GGDMA setting up the Flush Drill for demonstrate to Miners in Been Hill Pakeria in the North West District of Guyana.
GGDMA having discussions with miners in Arakaka in the North West District of Guyana on best exploration methodologies.
Demonstration the Flush Drill to Miners form Arakaka in the North West District
The removal and washing of the gold mats from the Sluice of the Flush Drill.
GGDMA team member panning the concentrate from the Flush Drill for results.
A gold pan showing the results from the Flush Drill after panning the concentrate.